git init

 The git init command is used to initialize a new Git repository. It sets up the necessary metadata and directory structure for Git to track changes in a project. This command is the first step in setting up version control for a new or existing project.

What Happens When You Run git init ?

Creates a .git Directory

  • A hidden .git folder is created inside the project directory.
  • This folder contains all the metadata required for Git to track the project, including:
  1.   HEAD (points to the current branch
  2.  config (repository-specific configuration)
  3.  objects/ (stores all commits, trees, and blobs)
  4.  refs/ (stores branch and tag pointers)

Marks the Directory as a Git Repository

  • The directory is now recognized as a Git repository, and you can start tracking files.

Does Not Track Files Automatically

  • git init does not automatically track or commit files. You need to explicitly add and commit files.

Reinitializing an Existing Repository

If you run git init in a directory that already contains a .git folder, it will not overwrite existing commits or history. Instead, it will reinitialize the repository, which can help in fixing corrupted repositories.

This forces the reinitialization of a Git repository.

Here's a visual representation of how git init works:

my_project/                 # A normal directory
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
└── subfolder/
    └── file3.txt

At this stage, my_project is just a regular folder with files, and Git is not tracking any changes.

After Running git init

cd my_project 

git init 

Now, Git initializes a repository by creating a hidden .git directory inside my_project.

my_project/                 # Now a Git repository
├── .git/                   # Hidden folder created by Git
│   ├── HEAD
│   ├── config
│   ├── description
│   ├── hooks/
│   ├── index
│   ├── objects/
│   └── refs/
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
└── subfolder/
    └── file3.txt
  • .git/ stores all Git-related data and metadata.
  • The project is now version-controlled, but files are not yet staged or committed.

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