VIM Cheatsheet 2 - Working with multiple files

 Working with multiple files

When working with multiple files in Vim, we have several options to manage and navigate between them. Here are some common techniques:






Save the current file


Save forcefully(Used to save a Read Only file)


Saves the current file and exit

:w newname

Saves the copy of the current working file as ‘newname’ and can continue editing the original file.

:sav newname

Saves the copy of the current working file as ‘newname’ and can continue editing the new file with newname.


Forced quit.Exit from file without saving


It just quits. If there are any changes that are unsaved it gives the warning “No write since last change(add ! to override)

:e filename

Opens file in the current buffer

:sp filename

Opens a file and splits the window horizontally in a new buffer

:vsp filename

Opens a file and splits the window vertically in a new buffer


Lists all the open buffers


Splits windows horizontal


Splits windows vertical


To switch between windows


To quit a window

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